Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Irate Gamer

A short while ago YouTube featured the videos of a user called "The Irate Gamer". A film editor from Ohio, he reviews the old NES video games that lacked a good plot, decent controls, or just plain didn't make sense. Putting his editing talent to use, he combines some perceptive observations with special effects to make a fairly entertaining clip. It was reassuring to find out someone shared my pain playing Back to the Future in the 1980s.

A couple of caveats: first, HE SWEARS LIKE A SAILOR. (I'm not kidding.) Second, his humor occasionally hovers around toilet level, every frat boy's delight. Still, if you can overlook these unfortunate qualities, anyone who's suffered through more than their share of horribly written NES games will know exactly what he's talking about.

For the record, I couldn't get that damn song from the video game out of my head for three years. Yes, I counted. And he's right--it never was in the movie.

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