Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's The Cup Game!

Forget reality TV. Forget Paris Hilton. Forget all the celebrity gossip you've heard recently about who got drunk, wasn't wearing underwear, or dumped an obnoxious star on their face at the Fox Really Awards. There's a new sensation guaranteed to capture your attention for much longer than any of these flashes in the proverbial pan (at least five seconds!) After long minutes of searching through YouTube for the perfect new potential Olympic sport, I give you...the Cup Game!

This newest hit is sweeping the nation--or at least the various schools, colleges, and summer camps therein. Yes, dear parents, this is what your hard-earned, blood- and sweat-bought money is funding. You can rest knowing America will soon take their place on the international stage as the country with the most hand-eye coordinated citizens with a sense of rhythm. Just think--every time you're at home, imagining your son or daughter studying hard in their dorm, you can remember this:

It just goes to show that success in life doesn't require any knowledge of math or science, any diplomatic or mechanical skills, or even any thoughtfully-formed opinions about news events, celebrities, international affairs or the literary world. All you really need is a good sense of timing...and a cup.

Now playing: Wolf's Rain - Heaven's Not Enough
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, it's a better use of a cup than what usually happens when there are cups on a ping-pong table ;)