Thursday, July 19, 2007

Harry Potter Theme Park

Universal Studios recently released plans for a new Harry Potter theme park. A literal Hogwarts for people to explore to their heart's content, giving poor Muggles a glimpse into the fascinating and dangerous world of the boy wizard...for a nominal fee, of course.

Is anyone else a little freaked out by the prospect? Not even Star Trek got this kind of treatment (the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas notwithstanding.) Harry Potter has taken the world by storm and spawned innumerable knockoffs in the book and movie worlds, with everyone hoping to cash in on the hype. Is Harry Potter a fad for the early 21st century, or--as Universal Studios is banking on--is it here to stay?

I'm still betting Harry gets killed off in the end--but that could be from watching too much anime, where characters usually die by the last episode. (Sometimes twice.)

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