Monday, August 13, 2007

It Ends Here Tonight

A MASH-based screencap video on YouTube has prompted my overworked, cynical, barely rational mind to create another fanfic, which can be found here. I hadn't ever planned to revisit the theme of my previous fanfic, but the video grabbed my attention with the tenacity of a bulldog and wouldn't let go until I finished.

I seem to have a fascination with close friendships--maybe because most people desire that kind of closeness with at least one other person in their lives, though so few actually find it. It doesn't necessarily even have to be a romantic or sexual connection (something I wish the slash writers would realize), just a true understanding of the other person and a willingness to accept their dark side without scorn. A lot can be explored in that kind of relationship, which is probably why much of my work is centered around it.

Maybe that's the true basis of love: just being there when the other person needs it, never demanding more than they can give. If we all had at least one relationship like that in our lives, I think the world would be a much happier place.

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