Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Speaking of Rejection...

Looks like I'm not the only one thinking about it. Ken Levine recently dedicated an entire post to the subject--the antagonist and biggest (though not always worst) fear of every writer. He stresses the importance for moving on when your script gets rejected, and how writers will benefit from "a thick skin, belief in themselves, and five times a week therapy".

The confusing and notoriously temperamental world of Hollywood/Broadway means that your script can be too long and too short at the same time, one of many possible contradictions. Like acting, sometimes it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, so taking things personally in the business makes as much sense as repeatedly sticking your hand in a garbage disposal and expecting to pull it out without a scratch.

Of course, it's inevitably more complicated than that. Then again, Levine notes that some of the people who rejected his scripts are now asking him for a job. As they say, living well is the best revenge...


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