Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another Year

It's June 25th again, and another birthday rolls around. Supposedly this is the space where I reflect on everything that's happened in the past year, and conjecture as to what's coming in the next year.

But, truthfully, for once I don't have the energy or desire to reflect on anything, and I sure as hell won't even try to figure out what's going to happen in my life for the next year. Avoidance? Maybe. Do I care? Not really.

Thankfully, I don't have to. At the beginning of 2008 it was decided by a few friends that, rather than making yet another long-winded post no one will read, we simply choose one song that most accurately describes our life at this point in time (so long as no one, NO ONE picked Aqua's "Barbie Girl", at the risk of being shot), and one song that reflects our view of what real love is like. I've given it considerable thought over the past few weeks, and came up with the following.

My life as it is right now:

What real love is like:

Nothing wrong with being realistic, right?

Now playing: Nightwish - Nemo
via FoxyTunes

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