Sunday, July 6, 2008

Conventional Humor

This will probably be my last post for a while.

To end things on a positive note, I thought I would show a few of my favorite YouTube clips involving VAs at various conventions. Some are interesting, some are funny, but the one thing I learned from watching many of these clips is just how much a ham Vic Mignogna is. He tends to show up in clips even when I wasn't searching for him.

Anyway, let's get started.

Scott McNeil describes passing out in a VA booth.

Chris Ayres, Vic Mignogna and Lex Lang talk about being recognized as VAs on the street.

Johnny Yong Bosch recounts a day when his empty stomach got him into trouble.

Steve Blum is asked to say something to "Ed Elric" using Spike's voice from Cowboy Bebop. Vic answers "Spike" in an appropriately Ed-like fashion.

Steve and Vic teaming up again to present "Real Fans of Genius".

Yuri Lowenthal (Sasuke Uchiha) and Liam O'Brian (Gaara) are asked to say Naruto's trademark "Believe It!" line in their own character's voice. (Notice the enormous number of actors onstage. It's possible every VA in the country has done at least one voice for this show.)

Crispin Freeman answers a fan's question about who he would be in a Revolutionary Girl Utena roleplay (after having voiced Touga for the TV series.) For the record, Akio is a Then again, RGU is a very strange anime.

Someone calls Vic on his cell phone and says a "Risembool Ranger" (a fan club member) wants to talk to him...then hands the phone to Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang).

That's all, folks. There are more, but I'll add them another time. The next time you hear from me, it may be from Irvine, CA.

Or from Hell. You know. Whichever comes first.

1 comment:

Emme Piedmacer said...

Enjy where did you go??